Tinajero Studios 3D

Branding / Graphic Design / Identity / Illustration / UI / UX / Web Design

Let’s dive into this case study and see how we helped Tinajero Studios 3D take their digital marketing game to the next level.


First off, let me quickly introduce the two players here. Diligent Marketing Solutions is a full-service digital marketing subscription service that helps small to mid-sized companies and brands crush it online. We’re talking website design, social media management, SEO, paid advertising – you name it, we do it.

On the other side, we have Tinajero Studios 3D, a kick-ass 3D modeling and animation studio. These guys are experts in creating stunning 3D visuals, animations, VFX, and even virtual and augmented reality experiences for products like furniture and more. Seriously, their work is mind-blowing.

Now, here’s the thing – 3D animation is the future, folks. Instead of juggling multiple projects, photographers, designers, and all that jazz, Tinajero Studios 3D can handle everything in one place. They’re like a one-stop-shop for all your 3D needs, and they do it better and more efficiently than traditional methods like photoshoots or video recordings.

With Tinajero Studios 3D, you’re not just getting a team of 3D wizards; you’re getting a virtual partner that can support you from anywhere, anytime. Talk about convenience!

So, what was the challenge? Well, Tinajero Studios 3D was killing it and building their client base like crazy. But with that success came some hurdles. They needed help figuring out what projects to promote, when to promote them, and how to create a memorable brand identity that would make them stand out in the crowded 3D market.

That’s where Diligent Marketing Solutions came in. Tinajero Studios 3D reached out to us for help in aggregating their impressive portfolio of projects, creating a killer brand identity, and building their organic and local search engine presence. Basically, they wanted to take their online game to the next level and attract even more clients with their mind-blowing 3D work.

Creating a Stage for Artistic Brilliance

The “Art of the Diligent” website was meticulously designed to be an immersive and captivating experience that complements the artist’s captivating artwork. We wanted the website to disappear, leaving the art itself as the star of the show. This meant keeping things clean and minimal, with a focus on functionality and user experience.

Fonts and Colors with Purpose

To achieve that balance, we strategically selected two font families: Sofia Pro and Poppins. Sofia Pro’s diverse range of weights and styles took center stage for the sites headings. For the body text, we opted for the clear and readable Poppins, ensuring a smooth and modern feeling exploration of the website’s content.

Black & White Elegance

Sticking to a restrained color palette of black and white for the user interface (UI) elements was an intentional choice. This not only ensured that the vibrant and dynamic artwork remained the focal point, but it also created a sense of sophistication and cohesion throughout the website.

A Cohesive Brand Identity

The branding elements – logo, color scheme, and typography – chosen to reflect the artist’s distinct style and vision. The logo, a careful choice of a strong serif font and really playing with the spacing between the letters serves as a powerful and instantly recognizable representation of the “Art of the Diligent” brand.

Captivating & Engaging

Overall, the website’s design and branding elements work in perfect harmony. The result is a captivating and engaging experience for visitors, allowing them to fully appreciate the artist’s exceptional talent while providing a seamless and intuitive platform for exploration and interaction.

Building the “Art of the Diligent” website involved a series of steps to bring the artist’s vision to reality. We opted for a familiar platform – WordPress with WooCommerce – to handle the website’s core functionalities like the gallery, blog, and online store. This streamlined the process and ensured a user-friendly experience for visitors.

Our project target was ensuring the website looked fantastic on any device.

We paid close attention to the mobile version and responsiveness across various screen sizes, making sure the artwork always takes center stage, no matter how it’s viewed. To cater to a diverse audience, we also integrated multiple payment gateways – Stripe, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay – with crypto payments planned for the future. Finally, for the upcoming NFT section, we’ll be leveraging the established platform OpenSea for seamless minting.

This project has emphasized the importance of responsiveness and adaptability in website design. We created an experience that can be shared on most any device and covered all options for the artist. We also discovered the power of offering a diverse range of payment options to cater to a global audience.

But this is just the beginning. We’re already looking ahead to exciting future plans. Integrating cryptocurrency payments will further expand accessibility, while the upcoming NFT integration will open doors to a whole new way for art enthusiasts to connect with the artist’s work.

Our work with “Art of the Diligent” stands out not just for its beautiful design, but for its contribution to the artists creation cycle. It creates a platform that makes it easy for the artist to celebrate their talent and fosters a deeper connection to their followers.

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